Log Entries from the Fringe 2

Date: 2240.68
Place: Iron Bridge system, Sandpit-3 colony
Life has really changed in our colony. Our parents came here almost 30 years ago, and for a colony this is quite old. Not as old as those first colonies in Alpha Centauri, but quite old anyway. All that time it has been only us here. Like many others we work and change the land. We do some scientific experiments for Company and some prospecting. We survey the land for minerals and other resources.
But what is most important, we try to make this our home world. Home, such a nice word. Of course we knew, that one generation has to develop some industry in here. But I had no idea, that it would be my generation.
About a year ago we hit a jackpot. Huge mineral deposits. I mean really huge. Really valuable minerals. Something that probably every colonist dreams of. Of course we knew, that based on our colonist contract most of the profits would go to Horiz0n Corporation. You see, according to Mars Convention, only persons may claim a planet as their own. Corporations cannot. So this planet belongs to us, but its fruits do not. Not yet. For 20 years Horiz0n will reap most of the profit. Then it is all ours.
No colonist force can build or buy a ship with QT Drive. So, it is a custom, that a megacorporation sponsors colonists with free passage and basic colony starter kit. Colonists make a business deal with their sponsoring corporation, and they will take most of the profits that the planet may provide for a certain period of time. Only a small percentage belongs to colonists.
But even those percentages would make us very prosperous. We would be able to buy all kinds of equipment, vehicles and other provisions. We would be able to build better medical facilities. We could ensure a better future to us and our children.
(Originally published 26 Mar, 2017)
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