Log Entries from the Fringe

Date: 2240.34
Place: Iron Bridge system, Sandpit-3 colony
Paradise. That’s what they called this planet in old ads. Paradise. I have seen those old ads in vids and databanks. I really cannot judge, because this is the only place I have seen. I have never been on another planet. I have never been on Core Worlds… or Earth that matter. Earth. It feels like some mythical place that I have only seen on library holovids. Earth as it was centuries ago. Earth as it is now. But it is our birthplace, at least in spirit. So, maybe this is Paradise, because it is my home. Has been for whole my life, and will be probably for ever.
Paradise. Those ads brought my parents here. They built this colony on this desolated planet. This is the place where they met first time. Here they made a marriage contract. They had plans for big family, just like in old history vids. Maybe two kids, even three. Imagine that. Wouldn’t happen in Core Worlds, not in Earth. Overpopulation you know. You are really lucky if you are allowed to have even one child. After genetic screening you are allowed a place in Citizen Lotteries, and you may win a child allowance.
Sometimes people get pregnant without allowance. Those Breeding offenders are penalised severely. That is why many people choose to become colonists in Fringe Worlds. No such restrictions here. Have as many kids as you want. You need them. Life is hard and kids learn to work early. Life is sometimes dangerous here, accidents happen, and there are many unknown things and surprises on these planets.
It has happened in our family too. I am the eldest child. After me, my parents got my sister and later my younger brother. When my brother was seven he was attacked by Scorch spider. They are not actually spiders, but that’s what we call them. Nasty creatures. They inject a venom that paralyzes your nervous system and after that they inject another venom that slowly transforms your inner organs into a jelly that Scorch spiders feed on. All the time victim is alive. When we finally found our brother he was half eaten, but still alive. Not really a sight that thirteen year old boy should see. I remember that sight even now. He couldn’t speak anymore even if his mouth tried to form words. All I could do was give him a mercy shot.
I really have to underline it that life is harsh in here. But it is also fair. If you do your work, if you follow the teachings and if you are prepared, you have earned your place in here. If you are lazy or overconfident this place will kill you soon. Every day is a fight for living. That’s what we are – fighters. We do not fight with gauss rifles, but with tools and knowledge. With those tools and knowledge we will turn this planet into Paradise, eventually.
(Originally published 15 Mar, 2017)
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