Author: magus

Implementing Interaction with Items in Virtual Reality, pt 1

There are lots of differences in developing a virtual reality game compared to developing a desktop first person game. Most of these differences are quite obvious, but without first hand experience in VR development, they might come as surprise. One of biggest differences is how player handles the items in a virtual world. In a…
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September 20, 2017 0

Log Entries from the Fringe

Log entry: Seymour Thornton, 4759-FG39-03503T Date: 2240.34 Place: Iron Bridge system, Sandpit-3 colony Paradise. That’s what they called this planet in old ads. Paradise. I have seen those old ads in vids and databanks. I really cannot judge, because this is the only place I have seen. I have never been on another planet. I…
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September 20, 2017 0

Designing the World of Tomorrow, pt 1

Designing the science fiction world of Planetrism is challenging but also something that gives you immense satisfaction. As a game world designer my goal is to make a believable, realistic world with full stack of history, sociology, ecology, economy, technology and all the other dimensions our own world has. There has to be many sides…
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September 20, 2017 0

DevLog transferred here

Since Tumblr really isn’t most suitable platform for us, and keeping devlog and web page separately is too much hassle, we decided to transfer devlop here. For consistency we will transfer all posts from old devlog here, first.

September 20, 2017 0