We Got Unreal Dev Grant!

There is so much road ahead, but what happened this week makes our steps a bit lighter. We have been quite ecstatic for couple of days. Yes, it is true, that Epic Games awarded us with Unreal Dev Grant!
Truth is that we would not be this far without Epic Games and Unreal Engine. UE has provided us a toolset that makes it possible to develop games and worlds much faster than using any of the competitors. We have experience on them too, and after discovering many of the benefits of Unreal Engine, we just cannot imagine any other way to develop games. And best of all, it keeps getting better with every version, and we can also use the source code to make modifications we might need.
Unreal is not only faster to use, but provides means for rapid prototyping, makes many development phases easier, and gives better overall quality. In our case the most important thing is that Unreal Engine blurs the line between people who program and people who make graphics, making both of us just developers who can easily adopt the whole palette of tools. Our project would be practically impossible with other game development tools, or it would take much longer time to develop.
When using Unreal Engine it is so easy to get your vision of a game world working the way you want. With other engines you spend too much time with technical development problems, instead of just implementing the mechanics of game itself. With Unreal you just do it! These two years have just deepened our devotion to use Unreal Engine for any kind of software development.
Thank you Epic Games!
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